
  • Ecuador

  • Location

  • South America

  • Form Of Government

  • Leader (president)

  • Guillermo Lasso

  • Population

  • 17,64 Milhões

  • Capital and largest city

  • Quito

  • Monetary unit

  • Dolar americano

  • Languages

  • Castelhana

  • Religions

  • Cristianismo

  • Economy

  • Culture

  • One of the central characteristics of the Ecuadorians is the preservation of the customs of their ancestors, particularly the indigenous and mountain people, many of whom communicate in Quechua. Because they have a great love for the land, they have the habit of making constant offerings to honor it.

  • Curiosities

  • One of the most surprising curiosities of Ecuador is that the country has the closest point from Earth to space. Chimborazo Mountain is the highest mountain on Earth. The Earth is not a perfect sphere, it has faults around the equator…. In fact, Ecuador is located on the right side of the imperfection

  • How many times has the country won the World Cup?

  • don't have any

  • Flag