
Location: Eastern Europe

Form Of Government: Parliamentarism

Leader (preside nt): President; Zoran Milanović

population: 4,047 millions

Capital and largest city: Capital Zagreb; Largest city Gornji Grad

Monetary unit: Kuna croata

Languages: Servo-croata

Religions: Catolic

Economy: Focused on the service sector and industry, in addition to the great importance of tourist activities.

Culture: They keep their culture alive trought music, folk tales, mores, dances and rituals.

  1. They created the necktie;
  2. Game of Thrones was fillmed in Croatia;
  3. The Croatia have activateds land mines.
  4. Its most famous beach changes shapes with the wind.
  5. It's one of the european countries with the most preserved assets.

How many times has the country won the World Cup? Croatia won 0 times.
